Scroll down to see all. Oldest first.

Our first guided visit this year will be the Fantin Latour exhibition at the Musée du Luxembourg.

Best known for his still lifes and group portraits, Henri Fantin-Latour (1836-1904) is a somewhat more complex artist than he appears to be. Very attached from his youth to the faithful reproduction of reality, Fantin also explored a more poetic vein approaching that of the Symbolists. The exhibition focuses on the artist from a new perspective by shedding light on his creative process and unveiling, in particular, a corpus of unpublished photographs, a true repertoire of forms for the painter.

Organizer: Julia Makris. Details of the visit have been sent by email to OUSP members.

Saturday 28 Jan: Guided visit of Fantin Latour exhibition at Musée du Luxembourg

Wednesday 22 Feb 6:30pm: Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, February 22nd: OUSP Annual General Meeting. Members wishing to stand for the Committee must inform the Secretary by 31 Jan. To stand for election, to attend and/or vote at the AGM, members must have paid their 2017 subscription. See email from Rob McCann 5 Jan.

OUSP is a corporate member of Géo2000 allowing us to attend its breakfasts. Speaker Pap Ndiaye will address America's problems faced with "post-truths" and "alternative facts". Ndiaye is professor of North American studies at IEP and director of the history department. He has taught in US and France. 8:30-10:00 am at the Salon Pourpre in the Sénat. More info on 

Must register before 20 Feb

L'Amérique de Trump  Bkfst at Sénat: 8:30am Thurs 23 Feb 2017

L'esprit du Bauhaus

Time & venue: 6.45pm, Musée des Arts Décoratifs. What do the artists Kandinsky, Chagall, de Chirico,  Léger and  Klee have in common? They all have links to the Bauhaus, a multi-art school founded in Weimar in 1919 by Walter Gropius and closed in 1933 with the rise of Hitler. It established itself as a major influence in the history of 20th century art. Its aim was to bring together artists and craftsmen on a single project , combining architecture, plastic arts and painting. ‘L’Esprit du Bauhaus’ takes us through some 900 pieces, giving us an idea of the distinct creativity at the heart of the German art school and bearing witness to the breadth and wealth of its experimentation.

The exhibition traces the roots and influences of the Bauhaus (the Middle Ages, the Arts and Crafts movement, Art Nouveau) through to contemporary designers who work in the Bauhaus tradition.

Early booking is recommended: like many temporary exhibitions at the Arts Décoratifs, this is well done and has proved very popular since its opening.

Organizer: Julia Makris. Details of the visit have been sent by email to members

Thursday 23rd February 2017: L'esprit du Bauhaus

First Wednesday Drinks at Murphy's 7:00 pm Weds 1 March 2017

Come along to our monthly drinks evening with Cambridge and other alumni on Wednesday 1st March at Murphy’s House from 7 pm. 10 rue de la Chaussée d'Antin, 75009 Paris. Metro Opéra - RER Auber – We might be in the mezzanine or in the nice private room downstairs. If you don’t find us, ask a waiter/waitress where we are seated. Happy hour until 8.30 pm but don’t forget to mention “Oxbridge” at the bar for a discounted price on the pint of beer all evening. Members of all ages and their friends are warmly welcome. We hope to see many of you.

Nothing worth knowing can be taught: O&C debate - Thu 9 March 7:00 pm

The next Oxford and Cambridge Societies Dinner Debate will take place on Thursday 9th March 2017 at the Victory on Avenue Franklin D Roosevelt. We shall maybe get away from Brexit by discussing Oscar Wilde's quote "Nothing worth knowing can be taught."

Details have been sent to members. Anyone interested in speaking should say so on the reply form by 25 Feb. Proposer and Opposer have 10 mins each to present their case, and Seconders up to five mins. There will be a short summing up by each side after the motion has been passed to the floor. 
Time: 7pm for apéritifs, the debate will begin at 7:30pm sharp. Price: €35 each for OUSP or Camsoc members and guests. €40 per person for non-member alumni  and their guests. Reply to Tony Banton by 5 March.

Wilde also may have said: "In America, the President reigns for four years, and Journalism governs for ever and ever." (Wikipedia). We'll see.

Géo2000 Sénat “Impunité fiscale : La France l’exception en Europe ?” - Thu 23 Mar 8:30am

Katia Weidenfeld will discuss France’s position on important tax issues at a breakfast in the Palais du Luxembourg, Salon Pourpre, overlooking the gardens. Madame Weidenfeld is historienne du droit, Directrice d’études at the École Nationale des Chartes, and joint author of “L'impunité fiscale : quand l’État brade sa souveraineté” éd. La Découverte.

OUSP is a corporate member of Géo2000. This allows us to attend its breakfasts. The breakfast finishes at 10am. You are advised to arrive between 7:55 and 8:15am because of travaux...

Must enrol by 20 March. Click here for more information.

© Sénat

Une épée transpercera ton coeur...concert - Sun 26 Mar 4 pm

Many of you may know Christopher Wells (Cantab), who notably provides the music at the annual Oxford and Cambridge Carol Singing at the Travellers. The Wells Consort will be giving a concert of English and Italian Renaissance choral music on 26 March at Eglise Saint-Denys-du-Saint-Sacrement in the Marais at 4pm.  Attendees are free to make a contribution to the costs.

"Vous n’en croirez pas vos oreilles” - Purcell, murmures poignants, cris déchirants, polyphonies dramatiques de Byrd, Gibbons, Palestrina ou Victoria, et en bouquet final, trois motets du plus incroyable de leurs contemporains, Gesualdo, dont les œuvres, rarement données en concert, s’élancent vers un univers inouï à l’époque… et à la nôtre… à St Denys du St Sacrement où se trouve la fameuse « Déposition de la Croix » de Delacroix !"

Watch the boat races - Sun 2 April from late afternoon

Come and support the Oxford Eights, women and men, around a few drinks. Women's race is at 17:35 and men's at 18:35. Unless you're dashing off on the eve of the school holidays, join us at The Bowler, 13 Rue d'Artois, 75008 Paris, to support your team! Event organizer Rob McCann, OUSP's vp sports, says: "Sunday is all day Happy Hour at the Bowler and it's an ideal opportunity to stay on and feast on fish and chips washed down with a pint of real ale to fend off the Monday blues...". The Oxford Alumni Office is providing us with flags to wave, so don't miss it.


Rob would appreciate those planning to go to let him know so he can give the pub an idea of how many to expect.

Edinburgh Alumni Golf Day at Le Coudray - Mon 3 Apr 11:30 am

Rob McCann tells us we are once again invited to participate in the Edinburgh University Alumni Golf Day at Le Coudray, south of Paris.


If you would like to take part, please complete and return the application form he has sent to members.

First Wednesday Drinks at Murphy's - Weds 5 Apr 7:00 pm

Come along to our monthly drinks evening with Cambridge and other alumni on Wednesday 5 April at Murphy’s House from 7 pm. 10 rue de la Chaussée d'Antin, 75009 Paris. Metro Opéra - RER Auber. We might be in the mezzanine or in the nice private room downstairs. If you don’t find us, ask a waiter/waitress where we are seated. Happy hour until 8.30 pm but don’t forget to mention “Oxbridge” at the bar for a discounted price on the pint of beer all evening. Members of all ages and their friends are warmly welcome. We hope to see many of you.